Learn Anusha Healing
'I am Calm, I am Still, I am Peace, I am Home.'
Anusha is an exciting new energy healing system. Eliminating the need to look outside ourselves, Anusha facilitates coming home to the wisdom within, allowing us to realise we already have everything we want and need. In this space you stop striving and enjoy the healing and calm of coming home to yourself, that’s the signature of the whole healing system.
​The energy is immensely powerful. Each training takes place over 1 day usually from 10am-4pm and is taught in groups or 1:1.
*Participants must have received the energy within treatment prior to learning, in order to best assimilate the energy, discounts for this are available upon request*
Level 1 (Grounding)- £200
Anusha level 1 is all about learning to hold the energy and remain grounded. During level 1 you will..
Understand what Anusha energy is and does, through intellectual understanding and direct experience
Receive an At-one-ment (Attunement) to the energy, enabling you to channel the energy
Understand how to protect and ground yourself spiritually
Give Anusha treatments to both yourself and others
Gain an understanding of the level 1 Anusha symbols experientially.
Give and experience distance healing
And much more...
Level 2 (Releasing)- £200
Anusha level 2 is all about releasing what no longer serves you, during Level 2 you will...
Expand you depth of knowledge about Anusha energy experientially
Receive an At-one-ment (Attunement) to the level 2 Anusha Symbols
Be introduced to 4 more symbols practising and experiencing their energies
Be introduced and work with the energy of Ascended Masters and Angels connected to Anusha
Understand the energy system in a more nuanced, deeper way.
Deepen your connection with energy work and continue to develop your energy toolkit and personal style
Level 3 (Enlightenment)- £250
The Master Practitioner Level incorporates delving into all aspects of the energy at much greater depth, this includes...
being introduced and work with the Goddesses connected with Anusha
Receive an atonement (attunement) to the final 4 Anusha symbols
Explore each of the level 3 symbols energies experientally
Receive an Attunement to energetic orbs, allowing you to send pre prepared treatments to yourself and others
further enhance your own personal energetic toolkit
Want to Learn Anusha?
Contact me via the contact form to take the first steps on your Anusha healing Journey