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Kundalini Activation

What is Kundalini Activation?

Kundalini Activation is a direct energy transmission that aids to awaken your own force of transformation from within. Kundalini is the creative primitive force said to be resting at the base of the spine. Through various different 'self generated' practices such as yoga, qigong or breath work, we use our own will to direct the energy within our bodies via movement in order to direct this intelligent energy for a specific purpose. Kundalini Activation is the other side to this coin in that this is a practice of surrender, not of the will.


During a Kundalini Activation session the energy will be transmitted to you, and with its own intelligence will do what is needed for each individual. This results in a profound inner journey involving visions, bliss states, emotional release, clarity and insight and even spontaneous body movement. Kundalini unleashes transformation within and begins to break down energy blocks, allowing you to embody you greatest self and live from authenticity. Classes take place each month from my healing space in Hackney Central.

  • What happens during a session?
    In a session, you lie down on a yoga mat. A powerful curated playlist is played. The facilitator touches or presses some of the chakra or meridian points on your body. That’s it. That’s all that happens on the outside. What happens on the inside is a totally different story… Spontaneous movements can and do arise. Some consider it a cathartic experience or something that gives them deep insights or realizations. But these are just some of the side effects that can and do happen. A profound rewiring of the energetic body and central nervous system happens with continued exposure.
  • Who should not attend a session?
    this process is not recommended for people with epilepsy or for those prone to mania, delusion or psychosis. this process will expand your capacity to feel and also due to the spiritual nature of the work could be damaging to those suffering from these conditions.
  • I have no previous experience with energy, can I still attend?
    YES! during an activation session it's best to show up with a beginners mind, regardless of experience, that's what this practice is all about! If it's your first session this is the perfect mental state to be in.
  • What can I expect after the session?
    It is a very individual process. There is a whole range of things that may happen after a class from bliss states, calmness, catharsis, energetic sensations such as tingling, heat or coldness and also entering spiritual states of awareness and spiritual growth. This process cleanses you and your energetic pathways and connects you to your higher-self/source. It will look different for each individual. Clarity is perhaps the most reported effect amongst participants. Moving from a state of thinking to a state of knowing, creating a natural space for taking aligned action.
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